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Drug companies want to transform? We have to do these seven things

Industry news
2019/11/14 15:22
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After the recent serial of transformation and upgrading strategies of pharmaceutical enterprises, many friends called me to find out how to achieve the success of transformation and upgrading. In this paper, the author analyzes the foundation that pharmaceutical enterprises should have to achieve transformation and upgrading. The specific transformation and upgrading needs to see a more systematic explanation later.

As mentioned in the previous article, 8 types of pharmaceutical enterprises are difficult to succeed in transformation. Therefore, if a pharmaceutical enterprise wants to carry out transformation and upgrading, it must first determine its own resources, capabilities, conditions, talents, determination, etc. if the preparation for transformation and upgrading is not good, then even if a transformation and upgrading plan for a very suitable enterprise is formulated, it will eventually be put on the shelf.

At present, many pharmaceutical enterprises need to carry out transformation and upgrading, but few achievements have been made. According to Shi lichen, the reason is that these pharmaceutical enterprises can only shout slogans to encourage employees or capital market. We need to know that the transformation and upgrading of pharmaceutical enterprises is not only that simple, but also requires careful research, careful analysis, careful research and careful construction scheme.

The transformation and upgrading of pharmaceutical enterprises are related to the future development of pharmaceutical enterprises. Therefore, we must be more careful, adapt to the actual situation of the enterprise, not be ambitious, and formulate some false big empty transformation goals, which can not be basically completed. This not only wastes the resources of the enterprise, but also makes the enterprise lose the opportunity of development.

Moreover, unrealistic transformation and upgrading may lead to failure, decadence, loss of control, or even closing down.

According to many failures and successful cases, the author has combed out some basic contents for the high-level thinking of pharmaceutical enterprises.

To achieve transformation and upgrading, pharmaceutical enterprises should have the following Foundation:

1. Make up your mind first.

It's hard to achieve without determination. The path of transformation and upgrading of pharmaceutical enterprises is not easy to follow. There are many obstacles and difficulties. So, the determination of the senior level of pharmaceutical enterprises is very important. No matter how difficult it is at the beginning or how difficult the process is, it's necessary to persevere.

Moreover, pharmaceutical enterprises should take transformation and upgrading as the first content of monthly meeting to communicate and discuss, determine the work content, work objectives and work responsibilities of each leader and each department, discuss the gains and losses of last month, and the compensation and improvement measures of next month.

2. Internal coordination of pharmaceutical enterprises

Only by working together in the same boat can we overcome all difficulties and overcome all obstacles.

Nowadays, many pharmaceutical enterprises, due to factors such as equity, historical evolution and interest struggle, are full of high-level leadership disunity. State-owned enterprises are engaged in serious collusion, and private enterprises are the same. Some private enterprises are seemingly united and listen to the boss for everything. However, they privately gather the party for private business and confront the boss in secret.

If the transformation and upgrading of pharmaceutical enterprises are to be successful, the senior leadership of pharmaceutical enterprises must be unified and coordinated, and there should be no one who is in the way, or it will be easy to lose all of their achievements.

This is the most important thing that I feel when I provide management consulting services for many pharmaceutical enterprises. So, here's a special one.

3. Have a full understanding of the industry, the enterprise itself, competitors and national policies.

No investigation, no voice.

Many pharmaceutical enterprises carry out strategic construction and transformation and upgrading of pharmaceutical enterprises, which are basically behind closed doors.

Even if some pharmaceutical companies invite management consulting companies to do it, the project teams of these consulting companies will not go down to the market to investigate, to understand the market performance of the competitors of the customers served, to understand the evaluation and suggestions of the customers, to understand the performance of the customers' products in the market.

The transformation and upgrading of pharmaceutical enterprises are not created, but combed out according to the development process of the industry, according to the resources and capabilities of the enterprise itself, according to the strategic analysis of competitors, according to the guidance of national policy development orientation, and according to the strategic vision of the leadership of pharmaceutical enterprises.

If the formulation team of a strategic transformation and upgrading plan is to build a car behind closed doors, it's up to imagination that pharmaceutical enterprises should not use this plan. Otherwise, pharmaceutical enterprises with strong executive power may enter the abyss of eternal doom.

4. Smooth management and improve efficiency.

Without an efficient management mechanism, the transformation and upgrading of pharmaceutical enterprises is a joke.

At present, many pharmaceutical enterprises are in the stage of barbaric growth due to the confusion of internal management, lack of systems, lack of processes, serious human governance and serious nepotism.